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Mail White Pages

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Phones & Whitepages

iphone 16Buy Apple iPhone
Apple at Cremerie de Paris

Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Bell invented the phone in 1876
His invention created a need for Phone Books,
soon called "White Pages" and "Yellow Pages".
Paper Whitepages were produced by many different Telecom companies
often linked to a long and fascinating Post, Telegraph and Telephone History.
First printed on white paper they are now online.

1994 Whitepages.com.au from Australia were the very first ones to get on the web
followed 1996 by Whitepages.co.nz from New Zealand.
2004 Whitepages.fr from France were path setters
for Whitepages in over 50 countries.

Alexander Bell loved young people.
He invited them to Beinn Bhreagh / Canada
and helped them to make new inventions.

Bell had a special connection with Brazil.
1922 he told Aimee Sotto Maior, a beautiful young Brazilian girl
"To stay young to need to have young friends"
Aimee followed his advice and this is how - almost a century later -
Whitepages of many many countries
started to come alive ...

historic people search Croatia
Billions of historical Records

Government & Embassies

All information on government contacts and Embassies.

About Croatia

About Cities of Croatia

For more information about Croatia's Cities, please check with the service:
Phone Book of Dubrovnik.com


About Whitepages.com.hr

Whitepages.com.hr are edited from Cremerie de Paris, a historic Telecom Hotspot in the capital of fashion.
Back in 1671 were invented at our old house in Paris, the Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon (VB),
the Royal Postal Services for King Louis XIV.
Horses were carrying letters to hundreds of Post Relais of the Pajot & Rouillé and the Thurn & Taxis postal families.
When a letter was really important, Louis XIV liked to come by in person to give it to our postmaster
Louis Leon Pajot.
The 3rd Bourbon King enjoyed watching post horses arrive at a house which had once been the home of his teacher Nicolas V de Villeroy.
The postmaster
Anselm Franz von Thurn & Taxis and a Posthorm are part of our Logo.

Cremerie de Paris
The avant-garde Telecommunications company was a pioneering succes story
but Louis XV, the next King wanted the revenues for himself and abruptly ended our activities in 1738.
Somehow Spirit of Telecomunications must have stayed in the walls of our old VB Mension ...
just falling asleep for a long long time ...

1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone creating a need for directories.
1881 Bell was in Paris and probably came by the house. Bell loved to have young friends and we had the chance to know one of them.
First Whitepages came alive around 1888 during the construction of a new communication tower made by Gustave Eiffel.

1986 a great x 6 grandson of Thurn & Taxis showed us the old VB mansion with all it's fascinating history nobody knew about.
The idea came up to relaund it's Spirit of Telecommunications - asleep since 248 years.
Everything stated next door with a small avant-garde Sony Phone Boutique.
When you are 20 and you get the keys to a shop in Paris a lot of adventures are waiting for you ...

1993 The phones and a little jewel left by Coco Chanel to her magical friend Aimée de Heeren
helped us to get a loan to buy Cremerie de Paris at the Hôtel de Villeroy Bourbon VB
Soon opened the very first Internet cafe in France.
Travelling American Tech pioneers came by desperately looking for a web connection.

Our internet access made us run into unusual people: one invented "com", another one was on the first flight to the Moon,
others were still very young and we did not know who they were or who they were going to become ...
Our old Postmasters and the webcafe visitors influenced us to invent VB.com,
Phone Book of the World, Whitepages.fr and the ones for many other countries.
Many websites started at the cafe programming pages during evening hours ...

Today our historic Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon (VB) turned into a
Meeting Place of the World's most famous Brands.
They come by to set up spectacular Pop Up Store Expos. One is more beautiful than the other.
And sometimes there is someone we already met travelling through our Internet cafe with a backpack ...
Microsoft came forseveral times.

The Metallica Expo is on the cover of the Croatian Whitepages.
Follow our Pop Up Stores on Instagram